Visual Studio 14 update with enhancements in vNext development framework


The fourth community technology preview was released by Microsoft earlier this week for the upcoming Visual Studio 14 update with vNext and .net framework, and few streamlining in C# and C++. Last month, CTP 3 was released with the preview of .Net framework and vNext. For CTP 4 releases, several weeks of efforts and developer community response have started giving shape to those features.

Under vNext, the mvc developers have introduced few new changes related to tooling and web development. With such enhancements and alterations, Visual Studio uses design-time host to boost its build scenarios for vNext app projects. The concept of making changes is for shortening the process.

Developers can experience some improvements in the vNext support for modern project layouts. It also includes alpha4 runtime package that devs can use for development purposes. .Net framework includes an updated RyuJIT version, the 64-bit just in time compiler that provides effective performance enhancements over the legacy 64-bit JIT compiler. Developers need to be cautious of the changes to this version as they may experience behavioral changes in case they use it.

The CTP also supports C++ debugging improvements; debugger loads faster and is capable of managing deadlock issues and complaints.

Enhanced and new C# 6.0 version

Many changes and improvements have been introduced to C# 6.0 in the CTP 3 releases. Let’s discuss them in brief:

Null conditional operator

Even a novice knows about the NullReferenceException that always indicates a bug when a developer fails to perform sufficient null checking prior invoking a member on an object (null).

Auto property initializers

In case a .net developer has implemented as struct properly, he has been bothered by syntax amount to make the type immutable. C# 6.0 has been introduced to save developers with its new feature- auto property initializers, that enables properties assignment directly inside their declaration.

Other features:

  • Name of expressions
  • Primary constructors
  • Expression Bodied properties and functions and more

Developers are interested in C# and keep on trying their best to maintain its excellence. The modification and enhancements in the language will definitely help them in development projects.

You can share your thoughts and responses regarding this update with us. For any professional assistance, Aegis experts are available to help you.

How to Cloud-Optimized Using vNext

The cloud-optimized time run has no connection with the ASP.NET vNext (the website technology stack); they are only another environment on which it may be used. According to conventional practices, the.NET is deployed system extensively, and upgrading is just time-consuming since it impacts almost every program. As a result, several programmers are trapped having an outdated CLR or NET structure and due to this, the cloud-optimized (also known as CoreCLR) was developed, which offers advantages like in actual getting xcopy deployment and to be very light. Companies may utilize the correspondences of NuGet to retrieve the structures which you require, which may contain items as diverse as .NET Framework and Java.

ASP.NET vNext is the main development of the ASP.NET framework. The whole lot you already distinguish regarding ASP.NET would apply to even vNext. They also let you utilize old resources or fresh editions of those frameworks, and one would see an increase in performance right now.

In case you wish to include a cloud that has been tuned for a performance cloud system, you may use a cloud infrastructure that has been optimized for the cloud, or any cloud, you may also include a server-scale customized version that is designed for server situations such as fewer memory requirements combined with fast performance.

Please keep in mind that MVC, Web API, Web Pages, and SignalR are presently just included in the cloud-optimized permitted" with this configurable thin and lightest structures.

How to Build Dependency Injection Using vNext

Dependency Injection (DI) is classified as the design pattern that is named in software, a specific instance regarding the Overturn of Control outline, where not just one but many DI is inserted to dependent frameworks. A software design that is vaguely related and repeatable is achieved via the usage of the paradigm. Creating a Library with the help of the Asp.Net vNext Class Library" framework is a simple process.

For this purpose, you will do what we always have done: right-click on our solution, pick Add -> Add New Project, and then select the "Asp.Net vNext Class Library" template from the drop-down menu that appears. We have included our alpha3 runtime package for lpha3 runtime packages for ASP.NET vNext CTP comprises in the Alpha3 environment suits for ASP.NET vNext CTP bundle. ASP.NET vNext is dependency injection-friendly, and it makes heavy use of dependency injection across its design to achieve its goals. You may use a Bring Your Container (BYOC) to make use of extra DI functionality while still using the system's default minimalistic DI container.

Unit testing for ASP.NET vNext

Firstly let us all know what Unit testing is. are very free, open-source, a community-type testing tool for the.NET Framework which is available for download and usage. is the modern technology for testing unit Cand several additional .NET languages. Originally they were written by the original author of NUnit v2 and later was maintained by Microsoft.


Browse to the internet nodes by choosing File->Newer Project through the menu bar. One should be comfortable to see the complete illustrations of accessible layouts through it.

Visual Studio allows you to see and analyse your findings. The solution may be built, and then the Test Explorer can be used to see the test scenarios.

This is it all around! In vNext, developers may include unit tests.

For further information, mail us at [email protected]

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