Difference between Spring and Spring Boot


Enterprise software solutions are not new to the corporate scene any longer; in fact, it seems like now everything – from the simplest to the most complex task - runs on a computer. And this has been made possible due to powerful, accessible, and simple-to-develop frameworks that have populated the technology space. One of them, and by far one of the most recommended, is the Spring Enterprise Edition framework facilitated by the Java Application Development and programming language.

As the years passed more, and more functionality, was integrated into Spring that made it even more scalable, and efficient but it did bring a huge tradeoff with itself. In recent years the biggest issue with Spring has been how to compound the framework has become, that employees have to dedicate a sizable chunk of time of the company to train in Spring EE framework.

Nevertheless, to counter this, Pivotal, the parent company of Spring, came up with the Spring Boot. So, how is it different from the traditional Spring framework, we will now discover:

Spring vs Spring Boot: The real difference!

Programmers and Developers are constantly challenged with developing applications that cater to real-world issues, build scalable models, work for every test case ever, and still do it as soon as possible. Spring Framework has been a go-to product for millions of developers because they deliver on this vision that these challenges can reduce if not eliminated.

spring vs spring boot
Spring Spring Boot
Spring offers thorough infrastructure support for making high-quality Java apps. Spring Boot, an extension of the Spring framework is meant to eradicate the requirement of the boilerplate configurations.
Dependency Injection or Inversion of Control (IoC) are two of the key features of Spring. It enables users to make loosely coupled apps. Spring Boot enables the users to make stand-alone apps, with the least configurations.
AutoConfiguration is not possible with Spring. Spring Boot is known for AutoConfiguration. The users would be able to manage all the internal dependencies of your apps.
The process of selecting the compatible versions of jars is a little complicated. Spring Boot decreases the complexity of selecting jars. It allows the users to make the most of the Spring Boot Starters.
Spring needs multiple dependencies to run the web application. Spring Boot needs only one dependency to run the application.
Spring would want the user to define several supporting configurations, like mappings, etc. Spring Boot requires only a few properties to make the app work.


Spring is a traditional framework, therefore, we have seen a lot of evolutions in the field of Spring. Therefore, Java is believed to have made a significant contribution to the Java EE environment. Spring’s long-term focus to keep it straightforward, accommodating, and resourceful for the developers has always seen the technology piece getting supported by communities of developers worldwide. Therefore, Spring is adopted widely.

However, the introduction of Spring Boot has proven to be a game-changer. It is hugely beneficial and profitable to use Spring Boot alongside the Spring EE framework. Spring Boot is a complete package for the new age app developer, bringing convenience, speed, and more. Needless to say, if there was anything that Spring lacked, Spring Boot, is decently making up for it!

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