What will the latest version of Java bring?


With general availability slated for the middle of September (9/17), the latest features for the Java 13 release are all ready to go. For those IT managers, developers, and programmers, this new version of Java will include a few distinct developments.

Dynamic CDS Archives

To, help improve the application class-data sharing utility, this feature extends to allow dynamic archiving of classes at the end of Java application execution.The feature also enables a set of classes to be pre-processed into a shared archive. It can be memory-taped at runtime to reduce startup time. The dynamic memory footprint can also get reduced when more than one JVM shares the same archive file.

Uncommit Unused Memory

Enabling the Z Garbage Collector (ZGC), this feature returns unused heap memory to the operating system. It creates a more optimal backdrop for many applications and environments, including:

  • Container environments.
  • Environments where an application sits idle for a long period.
  • An application whose heap space requirements differ throughout execution.
  • Application competing for resources with many others.

Reimplement the Legacy Socket API

Creating a simpler implementation and more modern for java.net.socket and java.net.ServerSocket APIs to use makes this feature easier to maintain and debug. It’s also a more adaptable version to work within user-mode threads like fibers.

java web development

Switch Expressions

One of two preview language features releasing with Java 13, this feature extends, switch to function as either a statement or expression so both can use either traditional or new case labels. Within this feature, a yield statement replaces the break with a value statement.

These changes will simplify everyday coding. The motivation for adding this feature is to help prepare for future enhancements to the Java programming language that will support pattern matching.

Text Blocks

The second preview item in Java, adding text blocks to the Java language, stops the need for most escape sequences. It enables the automatic formatting of the string predictably on a multi-line string literal. As a developer, this feature gives you control over format when it’s necessary. It also helps to simplify writing Java programs because it’s now easier to express strings that span several lines of source code. While doing this, you can avoid case sequences in common cases. Lastly, this feature helps improve the readability of strings in Java programs that express code written in non-Java languages.


Support for Java 13 is slightly different than in the past because this version is not an LTS release. Eligibility for free support, typically coming from Oracle, will stop six months after the release of Java 13. To date, no other vendors have offered to provide support after that.

The longevity of Java Application Development

This year Java turned 24. It continues to hold its own as the most popular first language for developers to learn, most likely because of its staying power. Code written in Java over a decade ago will still run today because of the foundational design of Java as a language. Not only that, but old Java coding will pick up the most up-to-date version of Java as it runs, with the speed advantage of the latest profiling, native code translating and memory management.

Throughout its lifetime, the popularity of Java web development, given the popularity of the language, has come about independently due to the continuous improvement in programming efficiency. Some of the biggest organizations in the world were built from the ground up using Java. From banks to retail shops, insurance companies, and manufacturers. As long as a computer has a Java Runtime Environment installed, developers can create.

With all its longevity, Java is still a relatively simplistic language at its roots. Only 50 keywords are structured using syntax like English with at least special characters. It’s an easy-to-learn programming language even as this simple foundation branches off into thousands of Java API classes, each with tens of thousands of methods for programmers to use.

With the onset of Java’s latest release, it’s time for dedicated fans and new and seasoned programmers alike to get excited about what developments the future holds.

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