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How to Develop a JPG to Word Converter in Python?

So you have decided to develop a JPG to Word converter using Python Development Services? Do you want to refresh your knowledge before beginning anything? You have come to the correct location. The process of creating a JPG to Word converter in Python will be discussed in this guide. Follow the right steps and techniques to make it a simple procedure.

To make it easier for you to comprehend everything in detail, we will use Python code to explain each step. Let’s start right away without any more delay.


First off, make sure you have all it takes to develop a JPG-to-Word converter. You must have Python installed on your device. Python libraries are another thing you’ll need to kick off the process. We’ll be using the following libraries that are relevant to the functionality of the converter we want to develop.

Pillow – This library will serve to process images.

Python-docx – This library is responsible for creating and updating MS docx files.

Download the above libraries from a reputable source. Install these libraries through pip. Run the following commands by opening your terminal or command prompt:

pip install Pillow 

pip install python-docx

Step 1 – Import the Libraries

The first step involves importing all the required libraries. Open your text editor or your preferred Python IDE and initiate the importation of essential libraries. Refer to the following Python code to implement this step.

from PIL import Image

from docx import Document 

from docx.shared import Inches

Let’s understand each of the above codes.

’PIL.image’’ will enable us to open and employ images.

’docx.Documents’’ is usually used for creating and editing Microsoft Word documents.

‘’docx.shared.Inches’’ will help determine the image size in the Word document.

Step 2 – Open JPG Image

Now, we’ll open the JPG image, which we want to enter into the MS Word document. is the function we’ll be using from the Pillow library to successfully execute this.

# Replace ‘your_image.jpg’ with the path to your JPG image

image_path = ‘your_image.jpg’

image =

As you can see in the above code, we’ve set the image storage path in the image_path variable. The function will load the image so that we can work with it. 

Step 3 – Generate a New MS Word Document

In this step, we’ll be creating a new Microsoft Word document through the ‘’Document()’’ class from the ‘’python-docx’’ library. Here’s a code to implement this in Python.

# Create a new Word document 

doc = Document()

This code line will initialize a new and blank MS Word document.

Step 4 – Add image to the Word Document

Now we have our documents and images ready. The next turn is to insert the image into the MS Word document. We’ll employ the ‘add_picture()’’ method to execute this.

# Add the image to the document

doc.add_picture(image_path, width=Inches(6))

In the above code, the function ‘’add_picture()’’ adds the image to the Word document. The argument ‘’width=Inches(6)’’ restricts the image size to 6-inch wide because determining width in inches will allow regulating the image size inserted into the MS Word. This is what you can adjust according to your specific needs. When it comes to height, it will fix automatically to keep the aspect ratio.

Step 5 – Save the Word Document

After inserting the image into the MS Word document, you will need to save the document. We’ll utilize the ‘’save()’’ method for this.

# Save the document‘output.docx’)

This code will save the MS Word document as ‘’output.docx.’’ This is something you can change according to your preferences.

Step 6 – Run the Python Script

This is the time to see all of the above steps paying off. Save your script with .py extension so you can easily find it. It should be something like ‘’’’ Start your terminal or command prompt, navigate to the Python script’s saved directory, and run it by using the command below:


Check the final output after running the Python script. There should be an MS Word document saved with the name ‘’output.docx’’ in the same directory that carries your script. Open it, you will see the JPG image successfully inserted into the document. Congrats, you’ve developed your JPG to Word converter.

A Real Example of JPG to Word Converter that Uses the Similar Methodology

Jpg to word converter by is a good example. It uses the same methodology discussed above to convert any JPG image into a Word document. You can spend some time reviewing this tool to improve your converter.

Here’s how the input field of the tool looks like:

unnamed 2

It takes a few seconds to convert a JPG image into an MS Word document. Upon hitting the ‘’Convert’’ button, here’s what the tool returns with:

unnamed 3

It allows the users to download the file either in a ‘’Zip File’’ or a ‘’Word File.’’ This is the perfect example that you may want to look at closely to help guide your development of a JPG to Word converter.

Final Words

Generating a JPG to Word converter using Python is a simple process as long as you are following the right steps and techniques. We have explained these steps in detail using code examples in Python. From installing the required libraries to running the final Python script, everything has been mentioned without any ambiguity. By implementing the above steps, you can easily develop your JPG to Word converter in Python.

Reviewing tools like JPG to Word converter by can prove useful in providing guidance and useful insights for refining your converter model. This tool perfectly demonstrates the JPG to Word conversions.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Image File Formats Can the Converter Handle?

The converter discussed above supports only JPG. However, you can enhance its capability to handle a new file format. The pillow library used in the procedure supports the most popular image formats such as BMP, TIFF, GIF, PNG, etc. To add a new file format, you will need to make changes in the codes, which involve importing the relevant image plugin module from Pillow and changing the input image opening code to allow different file format paths.

How Can I Change/Adjust the Image Size in a Word Document?

The docx.Document.add_picture() method is responsible for organizing the inserted image’s size in inches by conveying the values to ‘’height’’ and ‘’width’’ parameters. Currently, the current model supports a 6-inch width and leaves ‘’height’’ to auto-adjusting fitting the aspect ratio. This can be modified by passing the value to ‘’height’’ as well, calculating width/height values accordingly, and adding image resizing logic before the insertion.

Is the JPG to Word Converter Open Source?

Yes, the code can be shared openly to assist others wanting to generate a similar converter. You are free to change and boost it based on your preferences and requirements. However, the proper acknowledgment should be given if used commercially.

Read More: Asyncio in Python

Ethan Millar

Ethan Millar

Ethan Millar is an Enterprise Software Developer at Aegis Softtech, specializing in designing and developing high-performance enterprise applications. With extensive experience in crafting robust architectures and optimizing system performance, he focuses on delivering tailored software solutions that meet complex business needs. Passionate about technology and innovation, Ethan collaborates closely with clients to build scalable and efficient enterprise systems.

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